International Travel
Want to drop me a line? Have a general question? Feel free to contact me directly. I always enjoy hearing from readers and brands that share my passion.
Want to work with me? Please direct all advertising, sponsorships, brand collaborations, and creative consulting inquiries to shamiel.hagee@gmail.com

+ All images on my Fashion Food Fitness Blog are taken by me (Shamiel Hagee), unless otherwise credited with a proper source. Feel free to use images from my blog for non-commercial use; however, please credit my Fashion Food Fitness Blog and link back where available. If you see an image that has been improperly credited, please let me know and I’ll update as soon as possible. For commercial use of images or content on my Fashion Fitness Food Blog, please contact Shamiel Hagee.
+ Everything posted on my Fashion Food Fitness Blog are things that I like, love, currently wear or would sell my soul to own. I will never post items or content that I do not feel strongly about. On occasion, I do use affiliate links within my posts, which means I may receive a commission on sales of linked products.
+ Be sure to contact me with any questions/concerns that you may have. I love to laugh so feel free to email me your funniest jokes!